
Senin, 18 November 2019


Suggestion for writing TRUE FALSE item
  1. Avoid broad general statement if they are to be judge true or false (be specific)
  2. Avoid trivial statements (unnecessary things)
  3. Avoid the use  of negative statements, especially double negative
None of the students is uninterested in joining the class
                -> Everybody interested in joining the class
Double negative can be given if your aim is to test your students comprehension
  1. Avoid long complex sentence
  2. Avoid including 2 ideas in one statement, unless cause effect relationship is being tested
  3. If opinion is used attribute it to some source
                E.g.: Attribute to David P Harris
  1. True false statement should be in equal length
  2. The number of true statement and false statement should be approximately equal
Suggestion for writing matching items
  1. Use only homogeneous material in single test
  2. Include an equal number of responses and premises
  3. Keep the list of items to be matched in brief, and place the responses on the right
  4. Arranged the list of responses in logical order (alphabetical order)
  5.  Indicate in the direction the basis for matching the responses and premises
                e.g.: Match the word in column A and the second column of verb in column B
6.  Place all of the items for one matching task on the same page
Suggestion for writing short answer items
  1. Write the item so that the required answer is brief and specific
  2. Do not take statements directly from the textbook (add some modification)
  3. A direct question is generally more desirable than incomplete statement
  4. If the answer is to expressed in numerical units, indicate the answers wanted
  5. Blanks for answer should be equal in length
  6. When completion items are used, do not include too many blanks
Suggestion for writing MC items
  1. The stem of the item should be meaningful and should present a definite problem
  2. The item stem should include as much of the item as possible and should be free from irrelevant material
                e.g.: She….
                                A. Is interested in reading
                                B. Is fond of reading
                                C. Is accustomed to reading
                                D. Is used to reading
3. Use a negatively item stem only when significant learning outcomes require it
                Which of the following States is not  located in North the Mason Dixon line?
                a. Maine
                b. New York
                c. Pennsylvania
                d. Virginia
                Which of the following states is located in South the Mason Dixon line?
                a. Maine
                b. New York
                c. Pennsylvania
                d. Virginia
  1. All of the alternatives should be gramatically consistent with the stem of the item
                An electric transformer can be used
                a. for storing up electricity
                b. increase the voltage of alternating current
                c. it convert electrical energy into mechanical energy
                d. Alternating current is changed to direct current
                An electric transformer can be used to…..
5. An item should contain only one correct or clearly the best answer
6. Item used to measure understanding should contain some novelty, be aware of too much
7. All distracters should be plausible
8. Verbal association between the stem and the correct answer should be avoided
                When you are able to read, you ____ find info in printed material
                a. will
                b. may
                c. can
                d. must
  1. The relative length of the alternatives should not provide a clue to the answer
-> the relative length of the correct answer should vary from one item to another in such a manner that no pattern is discernible to the answer. This means, of course, that sometimes it will be the longest.
  1.  the correct answer should appear in each alternative positions an approximately equal number of times, but in random order
  2. 11. Use sparingly special alternatives such as “ none of the above” or “all of the above”
  3. 12. Do not use MC items when other items are more appropriate
  4. 13. Break any of those rules when you have a good reason of doing so

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